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In 1960, Doug Engelbart pioneered human-computer interaction with groundbreaking tools like the computer mouse, videoconferencing, and interactive visualizations. This work culminated in "The Mother of All Demos" in 1968, where Engelbart demonstrated these innovations live, transforming the conference space into an interactive interface where humans and machines communicated in real time through layered projections, sound, and remote participation. Since 1960 technology has progressed significantly, and parts of the vision presented by Doug Engelbart has become common knowledge and standard procedure. However, many of the philosophical and technical questions are still unanswered. These questions are also situated in the design realm, focusing on topics such as digital craft, human-machine interaction, and the translation of physical into digital systems. These topics entail novel forms of design processing and spatial experience, overlapping extended reality systems with machine and robotic entities.

Therefore, we at the XAIA research group explore these questions for architecture, engineering and construction, focusing on the augmentation of humans and machines.


    Prof. Daniela Mitterberger 
    Eleni Alexi 
    Joseph Kenny 


    Lidia Atanasova (PhD researcher in residence 2024)
    Kirill Volchinskiy (student assistant)


    • Heritage ++, a Spatial Computing approach to Heritage Conservation
      in RILEM Tech Lett 2025, 9, 50-60.
      Patankar , Y.; Tennenini, C.; Bischof, R.; Khatri, I.; Maia Avelino, R.; Yang, W.; Mahamaliyev, N.; Scotto, F.; Mitterberger, D.; Bickel, B.; Girardet, F.; Amsler, C.; Bomou, B.; J. Flatt
            LINK  PDF
      Cooperative Augmented Assembly (CAA): Augmented Reality for On-Site CooperativeRobotic Fabrication in Constr Robot 8, 28 (2024).
      Vasiliki, E., Kenny, J., Atanasova, L., Doerfler, K., Casas, G., Mitterberger, D.
      LINK  PDF

    • Rethinking Digital Construction: A Collaborative Future of Humans, Machines and Craft
      in Architectural Design (2024). 
      Mitterberger, D. and Doerfler, K.
      LINK  PDF


    • Augmented Human & Extended Machine: Adaptive Digital Fabrication and Human-machine Collaboration for Architecture 
      Mitterberger, D.
      LINK  PDF

    • Robotic on-site adaptive thin-layer printing: Challenges and workflow for design and fabrication of bespoke cementitious plasterwork at full architectural scale
      in Archit. Struct. Constr. 3, 145- 156 (2023). 
      Ercan Jenny, S., Mitterberger, D., Lloret- Fritschi, E. et al.
      LINK  PDF

    • Tie a knot: human–robot cooperative workflow for assembling wooden structures using rope joints
      in Constr. Robotics 6, 277–292 (2022). 
      Mitterberger, D., Atanasova, L., Dörfler, K., Gramazio, F. and Kohler M. 
      LINK  PDF

    • Degrees of Life: Human-Bacteria Interaction in Architectural Space Winner best project
      in ACADIA - Hybrids & Haecceities (2022).
      Mitterberger, D. and Derme, T.

    • Augmented human, extended machine: extended reality systems for robotic fabrication in architecture, engineering, and construction
      in ACM XRDS (2022).
      Mitterberger, D.
      https://doi. org/10.1145/3558196
      LINK  PDF

    • Interactive Robotic Plastering: Augmented Interactive Design and Fabrication for On-site Robotic Plastering Honorable mention
      in CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI ‘22). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, Article 174. 
      Mitterberger, D., Ercan Jenny, S., Vasey, L., et al. 
      https:// doi.org/10.1145/3491102.35018
      LINK  PDF

    • Extended Reality Collaboration: Virtual and mixed reality system for collaborative design and holographic-assisted on-site fabrication
      in Design Modeling Symbosium 2022. 
      Mitterberger, D., Angelaki, E., Salveridou, F., et al. 
      https://doi. org/10.1007/978-3-031-13249-0_24
      LINK  PDF

    • Co-Corporeality of Humans, Machines, & Microbes
      in Birkhäuser. 
      Imhof, B., Mitterberger, D. and Derme, T. 
      https://doi. org/10.1515/9783035625882
      LINK  PDF

    ©XAIA Lab / Mitterberger
    Princeton, USA